A native
of Binghamton, New York, Joel entered West Point in 1992
where he was a four-year varsity letterman and team captain
of the 1995 Army Football Team. Graduating in 1996 with
a BS degree in Pre-Law and a minor in Systems Engineering,
Joel was commissioned into the United States Army as a
Field Artillery Officer and stationed at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.
Upon receiving
an honorable discharge from Army, Joel furthered his football
career by spending time in the National Football League
with the Cincinnati Bengals and the Indianapolis Colts.
At the
conclusion of his playing career, Joel returned to his
native southern New York where he started his first company,
a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Company. With growing
success, Joel expanded his entrepreneurial endeavors into
a variety of other prosperous investments, endeavors,
and strategic partnerships that continue to this day.
of Maximus Management Group, Inc., Joel is likely the
most sought after and recognizable figure in the paratransit
and home care industries. Through his various resources,
seminars, and exclusive coaching opportunities, Joel continues
to be at the forefront in helping business owners in the
paratransit, EMS, and home care industries to realize
their financial and operational goals.
2004, Joel has helped an untold number of entrepreneurs
purchase or sell an existing business, negotiate contracts
in various complexity and value, restructure Medicaid
and broker reimbursements and mediate disputes with vendors
and contractors.
In response
to the growing consolidation strategies sweeping the healthcare
industry landscape, Joel founded the
Medical Transportation Providers Group (UMTPG)
to serve as an advocate and consortium for various EMS
and paratransit providers across the country. Since 2010,
the UMTPG helped influence dramatic change in the Medicaid
brokerage system and boasts annual increases in membership
and opportunity.
